Or already know how but still wondering where to start?
Or may have tried but have not produced results?
If YES, then this post is a post that is appropriate to be read while accompanied by a glass of warm coffee.
This topic is already much discussed, but here I want to try to explain more in the hope of more easily understood by the novice blogger.
Are you ready become a successful blogger?
Please be continued ...
Weve can make money from a blog?
Making money from blogs or the term blog monetization is already common among bloggers. There have been many bloggers Indonesia, which proved a success of the blog.
I think my friend already knows that and that's the reason why my friend reading this post. Buddy wanted to be able to follow the trail of bloggers who had already been successful.
Is it possible?
Nothing is impossible. Everyone can be successful on the blog. No matter who my friend, whether a student, unemployed, young, old, girl, boy. As long as it can access the Internet and can write the success of the blog is only a matter willing or unwilling.
But ... there tapinya ...
Making money from blogs is not the way to get rich quick
I am sure my friend had often heard the story of a blogger who get a payday tens of millions to hundreds of millions per month just from blogs.
Maybe my friend bloggers assume that it works just sit in front of the screen keeps the money comes by itself.
Indeed bener job of a blogger was just sitting in front of the screen, but the money they do not come by itself, but rather the result of hard work over the years.
I myself can only make money after two years of blogging. Quite a long time since I learned completely from scratch.
Buddy would not need to wait up to two years in order to ngasilin money like me. A year or a few months in my opinion can be fruitless origin of serious and willing to work hard.
To be sure there's no new story continues the next day to learn blogging instantly wealthy.
Things that need to be prepared before making money from blogs
Before my friend decided to start making money from blogs, there are some important things to mate prepared beforehand. Without preparing the following things, what would my friend do in the future will not be optimal.
1. Intention mantab
The main thing is the intention. If from the beginning has no intention and is only half the results have certainly also be patchy.
Niatlah with heart mantab if my friend wants to make money from blogs. And rest assured if my friend was able to do so.
2. Leisure time
If an unemployed friend as I may not be so time becomes an issue. But if a student or a friend might have a job offline buddy must be smart in the dividing of time.
Blogging is a very time consuming activity. From studying the technical stuff on blogs, writing articles, promotions, etc., all require substantial time.
3. Capital money
Create a blog it can be done with free, easy, and does not use complicated. But if my friend wants a serious, then the friend still need the name of money. Whether it's the cost of an Internet connection, buy a coffee, or others, which certainly is not no free terms without capital.
4. Skill blogging
Many bloggers new beginners can create a blog, still confused how do I make a post, but already thinking about how to do get 10 million per month.
Actually there's nothing wrong if we kepengin ngasilin blogging for money. But it should be realized that all need a process, not to mention blogging.
If my friend is still new to learn blogging, it is better to first learn the basic things about the blog to be blogging properly. If you already have enough blogging capabilities, new deh further thinking about how do I monetize a blog in order to make money.
Please read my first post about blogging tips for beginners
Understanding the types of blogs can make money
Blog function initially only as a place to write a diary online. That's why the average first blog content about personal things from the blog owner.
But frequently with increasing age Mas Sugeng, blog currently has a lot of types according to the functions and objectives.
For my friend who wants to make money from blogs, I think is very important to know and understand the types of the blog.
Not all types suited to monetize blog
Not all types of blogs can use the same promotional strategy
Not all types of blogs can use the same method of monetization
Not all types of blogs are suitable for pal
If my friend chose the wrong type of blog, use less appropriate promotional strategies and using methods of monetization are less fit, then certainly your blog will not be maximized or even fail in the middle of the road.
Of the many types of blogs on the Internet, there are at least three types of blogs are most commonly used to make money by Indonesian bloggers and bloggers abroad.
Here are three types of the blog:
Authority Blog
General Blog
Niche Blog
Below I will explain details about these three kinds of blogs and how monetisasinya.
1. How to make money from the Authority Blog
Authority blog or can be referred to as an authority blog blog type is very suitable for my friend who has a skill or hobby that can be distributed to the crowd.
In simple terms this kind of blog is a blog that focuses on a particular topic or niche in accordance with a hobby or expertise than has blog.
The main purpose of this type of blog is widened reliable source of information to deliver content that is useful and beneficial in accordance with what is required by the reader.
Because the content is presented is so unique, original, and quality, this blog type generally have a lot of loyal readers.
Here are some examples of blogs that fit to be an idea as to what the heck that authority blog:
- Omkicau.com: Blog famous bird
- Iwanbanaran.com: Blog famous of automotive
- Maxmanroe.com: famous blog about internet marketing
- Enigmablogger.com: Blog famous of mystery
- Www.blogdokter.net: Blog renowned health
- Sugeng.id: pretty cool blog about blogging
- And still some others ...
Blog authority in Indonesia in my opinion is still quite rare ditemuni, on average, mostly about online business, blog, SEO and the like. Though there are still a lot of untapped niche. that means there are still many opportunities for my friend to start developing a blog authority.
Is the authority to manage the blog should focus on a specific topic?
I do not think it should be. Buddy can discuss more than one topic as long as the topic is still relevant. And most importantly, your blog should have one main topic.
A simple example of this is my blog. This blog is actually more to a personal blog and I can write anything, but I have one main topic, which is blogging.
Excess Authority Blog
Can use many models of monetization, advertising, selling products, services, affiliate, paid reviews, contests, etc.
Durable and can be used as long-term assets as blogging accordance with hobbies and expertise.
Should not rely on search engines to get visitors. My friend can use any method possible promotion, of social media, forums, or even offline promotions.
Does not require very many visitors. That my friend needed was targeted visitors.
Can help others with the knowledge that my friend had.
Disadvantages Authority Blog
Hard to choose a niche / topic right, especially for those who do not have a particular hobby. In addition, not all suitable niche to monetize.
Hard to run up really big and produce. It takes persistence, patience, and consistency is high.
Buddy should be able to provide information that is really useful so that more and more loyal readers.
Authority Blog Monetization Methods
As I mentioned a little above, to memonetasi blog authority can use a variety of ways. But even then my friend still had to figure out a way that is really effective.
Here are some of the most suitable method of monetization for Authority Blog:
Sells its own products
Sell the product itself is a prime choice. The reason is because by selling their own products friend can benefit from 3 to 10 times greater than using other methods of monetization.
This method is certainly not an easy thing. Buddy must have their own products which can be sold. But if my friend had not have their own products, pal can still use other methods of monetization.
Offering services
Offering services via the blog is another alternative that can be selected. One example of a blog that is quite successful by offering services is dzofar.com.
dzofar.com is a personal blog that contains tutorials on drawing vector and the administrators of the blog using the blog as a place to promote his services of a vector drawing.
Selling other people's products (Affiliate)
For my friend who do not have their own products or have not got the expertise that could be used as a service, follow the Affiliate program could be the right choice.
Affiliate is a program where we help promote products owned by others and we will get a commission if we are able to sell these products.
PPC advertisements
This is the most common method of monetization for all types of blogs, namely by advertising PPC or Pay Per Click.
PPC advertising service AdSense is the most popular because the pay is high enough.
But in addition to AdSense many more friends like, Media.net, Chitika, kliksaya, IdBlogNetwork, etc.
Be sure to read: How to list Google AdSense to be easily accepted
Offers independent ad space
Do not take it wrong. The purpose of the independent ad here not advertise an independent bank, but the point buddy offering ad space on blogs directly to prospective advertisers.
2. How to make money from General Blog
The second is most commonly found in Indonesia, namely general blog, a blog that has a broader topic. Many bloggers prefer to call these types of blogs as news blogs or blog hodgepodge.
The reason why this blog is more popular is due to manage this blog my friend does not need to bother choose a blog topic. Buddy can write what my friend wanted.
Well for my friend who does not have the expertise, hobby, or interest that could be the topic of the blog, then manage general blog is one option that can be selected.
Although personally I do not like this kind of this blog, but actually if managed seriously, this kind of blog can make money fairly.
Excess General Blog
The idea of posting is not limited. Buddy can write what my friend wanted. Of news, information, tips, tutorials, whatever basically okay.
Buddy does not have to take a long time until it can monetize your blog. During your blog already has a visitor, the friend can directly monetize.
Disadvantages Genaral Blog
Having a monetization method is limited because not all monetization methods are suitable for this type of blog.
Income is very dependent on the amount of traffic. Buddy requires traffic of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands if you want to see the results fairly
Must be diligent posts, as more and more posts = more visitors
Tend not be able to survive long
The source of the traffic is so dependent on search engines.
Genaral Blog Monetization Methods
The most common methods of monetization for the type of blog that this one is by advertising. But advertising itself has some kind.
Here are the types of ads:
PPC advertising
PPC ads corresponding already described above.
CPM ads
In contrast to PPC advertising, advertising CPM (Cost Per Million) paid each of your blog get 1000 visits. It means that visitors do not have to click on ads.
Advertisement Self
Independent appropriate ads that have been described above.
3. How to make money from Niche Blog
The last type of blog you could say almost the same as the authority blog, that focus on a specific topic or niche.
What distinguishes the authority niche blog with a blog is, the type of blog is generally made by people who are not really experts in their chosen topic of the blog since its primary purpose is purely to make money.
Do not be surprised if a blog like this one have an average of less quality content because the content is usually the result of rewriting the content or outcome hire article writers.
Maybe my friend had heard the story of a blogger who manage tens to hundreds of blogs? Well, this is the type of blog that usually they manage.
If one niche blog earning $ 100 / month, then if there are 100 blog income becomes $ 10,000 / month or one hundred million more per month.
Is it as good, bro?
Honestly I personally do not really know what kagak bad because I do not have much experience on niche blogs. But as far as I'm concerned, the following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of managing niche blog:
Excess Niche Blog
No need experts with topics covered, stay rental services business article writer wrong.
Due to the specific topic so do not need to publish a lot of articles.
More easy sell
Disadvantages Niche Blog
Complicated because it must manage many blogs.
It took no small amount of capital, cost of domain, hosting, service writers, DLL.
Difficult to find a good niche
Niche Blog Monetization Methods
As far as I know, the following are several methods of monetization are often used for this type of blog:
PPC ads from AdSense
Amazon Affiliate Program, Clickbank, etc.
By selling his blog
Thanks for reading
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